Monday, May 14, 2007

Martin Luther King Jr.

The author from the article Martin Luther King feels that nearly every city in the United States has a street or school named after him. The author feels that his ahievments are being misunderstood and how most of the cities and schools named after him are in black neighborhood's. People owe MLK the greatest debt "for liberating them from the burden of America's centuries-old hypocrisy about race. It is only because of King and the movement that he led that the U.S. can claim to be the leader of the "free world" without inviting smirks of disdain and disbelief," so the author feels. King was the right man at the time, because without him, the movemnt could not have been as meaningful and as powerful as it was. The quote that is most popular in King's I Have a Dream speach, has been used when King would never have endorsed it. King would feel that they have filtered out his radicalism and sense of urgency.

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